How to Get Odor Out of Closet

How to Get Odor Out of Closet

To get the odor out of a closet, start by removing all items and thoroughly cleaning the surfaces with a mixture of water and vinegar. Next, place an open container of baking soda or charcoal inside the closet to absorb any lingering odors.

You can also hang cedar blocks or sachets to naturally freshen the air. Additionally, ensure the closet is well ventilated to prevent moisture buildup, which can contribute to unpleasant odors. By following these steps, you can effectively eliminate odors and keep your closet smelling fresh and clean.

Identifying The Source Of The Odor

How to Get Odor Out of Closet

Check for any spoiled or rotting items: Start by inspecting the items in your closet for any signs of spoilage or decay. Remove and discard any items that may be causing the unpleasant smell.

Inspect for moisture or mold growth: Look for any signs of moisture or mold inside the closet. Mold and mildew are common culprits of musty odors. Address any moisture issues promptly to prevent further odor buildup.

How to Get Odor Out of Closet


Removing And Cleaning The Closet Contents

To get rid of odor in the closet, start by removing and cleaning its contents. Empty the closet, wipe down the surfaces with a mixture of vinegar and water, and place an open box of baking soda inside to absorb any lingering odors.

Consider adding sachets of dried lavender or cedar to keep the closet smelling fresh.

Empty The Closet Completely

Start by removing all items from the closet and place them in a well-ventilated area.

Wipe Down Surfaces With A Cleaning Solution

Next, mix a cleaning solution of water and vinegar, then use a clean cloth to wipe down all surfaces in the closet.

Wash Or Dry Clean Fabrics

Sort through all clothing and linens, separating items that can be washed from those that need dry cleaning.

Eliminating Odors With Natural Remedies

Looking to eliminate odors in your closet? Try these natural remedies to get rid of unpleasant smells without harsh chemicals. Keep your clothes fresh and odor-free with these simple tips.

Use Baking Soda To Absorb Odors

One of the most effective and simple natural remedies for getting rid of odors in your closet is using baking soda. Baking soda has powerful odor-absorbing properties, making it an excellent choice for eliminating unpleasant smells.

To use baking soda, start by removing all items from your closet. Then, take a box of baking soda and open it. Place the box in the corner of your closet or hang it using a string or a hanger.

Baking soda works by absorbing odors rather than masking them. Leave the baking soda in the closet for 24-48 hours to give it enough time to soak up the odors. Afterward, remove the box and discard the used baking soda.

Place Bowls Of Vinegar Or Coffee Grounds In The Closet

If you prefer to use natural remedies other than baking soda, you can try using vinegar or coffee grounds to eliminate odors from your closet.

Vinegar is known for its ability to neutralize odors. Simply fill a few bowls with vinegar and place them inside your closet. Leave the bowls in the closet for 24 hours before removing them. As vinegar evaporates, it will help eliminate the unpleasant odors.

Coffee grounds are also effective in absorbing and neutralizing odors. Take a few bowls and fill them with used coffee grounds. Place the bowls in your closet and leave them for 24-48 hours. The coffee grounds will help mask and absorb any unpleasant smells in your closet.

How to Get Odor Out of Closet


Dealing With Specific Odors

If you’re dealing with specific odors in your closet, it’s essential to use the right approach to effectively eliminate them. Different odors require different methods of treatment, and knowing how to target each one can help ensure a fresh, clean-smelling closet. Here are some targeted solutions for dealing with specific odors:

Remove Smoke Odor With Activated Charcoal

Smoke odor can be particularly challenging to eliminate from a closet. Activated charcoal is a highly effective odor absorber that can help remove smoke odors. Simply place a bowl of activated charcoal in the closet and leave it there for a few days. The charcoal will absorb the smoke smell and leave your closet smelling fresh and clean.

Combat Musty Smell With Activated Charcoal Or Cat Litter

If your closet has a musty smell, it may be due to excess moisture or lack of ventilation. Activated charcoal can help absorb moisture and eliminate the musty odor. Alternatively, you can also use cat litter as it is designed to absorb moisture and odor. Place a bowl of activated charcoal or cat litter in the closet to combat the musty smell effectively.

Preventing Odors From Returning

Preventing odors from returning is essential to maintaining a fresh and clean closet environment. By taking proactive steps, you can ensure that unpleasant odors stay away for good, allowing your clothes and belongings to remain fresh and odor-free. Let’s explore these simple yet effective methods to prevent odors from returning.

Ensure Proper Ventilation In The Closet

Proper ventilation is crucial in preventing odors from lingering in your closet. Installing a small fan or leaving the closet door slightly ajar can help air circulate, reducing the likelihood of musty smells developing. Adequate ventilation also prevents moisture buildup, which can lead to mold and mildew, causing foul odors.

Use Odor-absorbing Products Such As Activated Carbon

Activated carbon is a highly effective odor absorber. Placing activated carbon pouches or containers in your closet can help neutralize and absorb any lingering odors. Additionally, you can also consider using baking soda or charcoal sachets, which work similarly to eliminate unwanted smells.

Regularly Clean And Declutter The Closet

Regular cleaning and decluttering is essential in keeping odors at bay. Wipe down surfaces, vacuum the floor, and dust shelves and hangers to remove any dust, dirt, or debris that could contribute to unpleasant odors. Organizing your belongings and removing any unnecessary items will also prevent odors from developing and ensure a fresh-smelling closet.

Professional Solutions For Stubborn Odors

When it comes to tackling persistent odors in your closet, sometimes a little extra help is needed. Fortunately, there are professional solutions available that can effectively eliminate stubborn odors and leave your closet smelling fresh and clean.

Consider Hiring A Professional Cleaner

If you’ve tried various DIY methods without success, hiring a professional cleaner may be the best option. Professional cleaners have the knowledge and expertise to assess the severity of the odor problem and utilize the most effective tools and techniques to get rid of it.

Explore Ozone Treatment Or Odor Neutralizing Products

If the odor in your closet persists even after cleaning, you may want to consider ozone treatment or odor neutralizing products. Ozone treatment involves the use of an ozone generator, which releases ozone and effectively eliminates odors by breaking down odor-causing molecules.

An alternative option is to try odor neutralizing products. These products are specifically designed to eliminate odors rather than mask them. Look for products that contain natural ingredients and have proven effectiveness in eliminating stubborn odors.

By considering professional solutions such as hiring a professional cleaner or exploring ozone treatment and odor neutralizing products, you can effectively tackle stubborn odors in your closet, leaving it smelling fresh and pleasant.

The Role Of Good Organization

Maintaining good organization in your closet is essential to eliminating odors effectively. By following these simple tips, you can keep your closet fresh and odor-free.

Keep Items Organized And Stored Properly

  • Arrange clothes by type: Keep similar items together to make it easier to find things and prevent odors from spreading.
  • Use storage bins: Store shoes, accessories, or seasonal clothes in bins to keep them separate and avoid mingling odors.
  • Hang up clothes: Hanging clothes allows for better air circulation and helps prevent musty smells.

Avoid Overcrowding The Closet

  • Get rid of unused items: Regularly declutter your closet to prevent overcrowding and allow for better air circulation.
  • Space out clothes: Avoid cramming too many clothes together to prevent odors from being trapped in fabrics.
  • Use closet organizers: Install shelves, hooks, or hangers to maximize space and keep items properly stored.
How to Get Odor Out of Closet


Final Tips And Tricks

When it comes to banishing odors from your closet, incorporating some final tips and tricks can make a significant difference. Consider using scented sachets or dryer sheets to infuse a pleasant fragrance into your closet space. While these may not eliminate odors entirely, they can mask any lingering smells.

Use Scented Sachets Or Dryer Sheets

  • Place scented sachets in corners or on shelves for a constant fresh scent.
  • Tuck a dryer sheet into shoes or stored clothing to absorb odors.

Try Using A Portable Air Purifier

  1. Invest in a portable air purifier for continuous odor control.
  2. Ensure the air purifier is placed in the center of your closet for maximum effectiveness.

Frequently Asked Questions On How To Get Odor Out Of Closet

How Can I Remove Odor From My Closet?

To remove odors from your closet, first, remove all items from the closet and clean the surfaces with a mixture of water and vinegar. Then, place an open box of baking soda or activated charcoal in the closet to absorb any remaining odors.

What Are Natural Ways To Eliminate Closet Odors?

Natural ways to eliminate closet odors include using cedar chips, hanging sachets of dried lavender or eucalyptus, and placing bowls of white vinegar or coffee grounds in the closet. These natural remedies can help absorb and neutralize unwanted odors in your closet.

Can I Use Essential Oils To Freshen My Closet?

Yes, you can use essential oils to freshen your closet by placing a few drops on a cotton ball or sachet and hanging it in the closet. Lavender, lemon, or tea tree essential oils can add a pleasant scent to your closet while also helping to neutralize odors.

How Often Should I Clean And Deodorize My Closet?

It is recommended to clean and deodorize your closet every 3-6 months to maintain a fresh and pleasant environment. Regular cleaning and deodorizing can help prevent the buildup of odors and keep your closet smelling clean and inviting.


Eliminating odor from your closet is not a complicated task. By following the tips and methods discussed in this blog post, you can effectively get rid of unpleasant smells and maintain a fresh and pleasant-smelling closet. Regular cleaning, proper ventilation, and the use of natural odor absorbers will help you achieve a fresh and inviting closet environment.

Start implementing these techniques today and enjoy a well-organized and odor-free storage space!

{ “@context”: “”, “@type”: “FAQPage”, “mainEntity”: [ { “@type”: “Question”, “name”: “How can I remove odor from my closet?”, “acceptedAnswer”: { “@type”: “Answer”, “text”: “To remove odors from your closet, first, remove all items from the closet and clean the surfaces with a mixture of water and vinegar. Then, place an open box of baking soda or activated charcoal in the closet to absorb any remaining odors.” } } , { “@type”: “Question”, “name”: “What are natural ways to eliminate closet odors?”, “acceptedAnswer”: { “@type”: “Answer”, “text”: “Natural ways to eliminate closet odors include using cedar chips, hanging sachets of dried lavender or eucalyptus, and placing bowls of white vinegar or coffee grounds in the closet. These natural remedies can help absorb and neutralize unwanted odors in your closet.” } } , { “@type”: “Question”, “name”: “Can I use essential oils to freshen my closet?”, “acceptedAnswer”: { “@type”: “Answer”, “text”: “Yes, you can use essential oils to freshen your closet by placing a few drops on a cotton ball or sachet and hanging it in the closet. Lavender, lemon, or tea tree essential oils can add a pleasant scent to your closet while also helping to neutralize odors.” } } , { “@type”: “Question”, “name”: “How often should I clean and deodorize my closet?”, “acceptedAnswer”: { “@type”: “Answer”, “text”: “It is recommended to clean and deodorize your closet every 3-6 months to maintain a fresh and pleasant environment. Regular cleaning and deodorizing can help prevent the buildup of odors and keep your closet smelling clean and inviting.” } } ] }
How to Get Odor Out of Closet

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